Beyond the script: how to elevate your qualitative research interviews

Emily Barnes
September 13, 2024

Learn the key strategies to transform your research interviews from surface-level conversations into insightful discoveries.

When you’re new to conducting qualitative research interviews, the experience can be overwhelming. 

Your mind races with thoughts of whether you’ll ask the right questions or if you’ll be able to keep the conversation on track and on time. 

Physically, you might notice your heart beating a little faster or a slight tremble in your voice as you begin to speak. 

It’s natural to feel uncertain—after all, connecting with participants on a meaningful level, especially when you’re just starting out, can feel daunting. 

But with a few key strategies, you can turn that nervous energy into confidence and unearth meaningful insights.

In this article, we’re going to talk about how moving beyond a script can transform the quality of your research interviews. 

Why your qualitative research interviews are falling short

Let’s be honest—sometimes our interviews don’t yield the rich insights we hope for. 

Why? Often, it’s because we’re following a script or discussion guide too closely. 

When we’re focused on ticking off questions, we can miss the nuances in participants’ responses. 

This approach can feel mechanical, and participants pick up on that. 

They might give us the answers they think we want to hear, rather than sharing what they really feel.

When we’re focused on ticking off questions, we can miss the nuances in participants’ responses.

Another common issue is not truly listening. We’re so focused on the next question that we don’t fully engage with what’s being said in the moment. 

This means we miss opportunities to explore unexpected but important avenues that arise in conversation. It’s those missed moments that could have led to groundbreaking insights.

And then there’s the matter of empathy and curiosity. Without these, interviews can feel more like transactions than genuine conversations. 

Empathy allows us to connect on a human level, making participants feel seen and heard. 

Curiosity drives us to ask the kinds of questions that get to the heart of their experiences.

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How to run a great qualitative research interview

So, how do we run interviews that go beyond the surface? Here’s what works for me:

1. Prepare, but don’t over-prepare

It’s crucial to prepare for your interviews, but there’s a sweet spot. 

Have a flexible guide instead of a rigid script. 

Know the themes you want to explore, but stay open to where the conversation naturally goes. 

This gives you the focus you need without stifling the flow of the discussion.

2. Build rapport early

First impressions matter. The way you start your interview sets the tone for everything that follows. 

Review the participant’s profile before your interview, and spend those first few minutes building rapport. 

A warm, friendly introduction, a bit of small talk—these aren’t just niceties. 

They help participants feel at ease, which is crucial for them to open up to you and share honestly.

3. Practise active listening

Active listening is about being fully present with your participant. 

This means not just hearing their words, but understanding the feelings and thoughts behind them. 

Use non-verbal cues like nodding, maintaining eye contact, and occasionally summarising what they’ve said. 

This shows you’re engaged and encourages them to share more deeply.

4. Ask open-ended and probing questions

The best questions are the ones that open up the conversation. 

Instead of asking, “Did you like the app?”, try “Can you tell me about your experience using the app?” 

This invites a fuller response and doesn’t make assumptions about the user’s experience with your product. 

And don’t be afraid to probe further with questions like: “What made that frustrating for you?”, or “Why do you think that worked well for you?” 

These follow-ups can reveal the insights that matter most.

Lead your participant on a journey with open-end and probing questions.

5. Embrace silence

Silence can feel awkward, but it’s a powerful research tool. 

When you leave a pause after a participant’s answer, they often fill it by elaborating further. 

It’s in these moments that deeper insights emerge. 

So, resist the urge to jump in—let the silence do its work.

6. Be mindful of body language and tone

Your body language and tone are key to creating a comfortable environment. 

Approach your interviews with a relaxed posture and a tone that’s warm and inviting. 

Avoid crossing your arms, constantly checking your notes, or speaking too formally. 

In video interviews, lean forward slightly. These small gestures help put your participants at ease.

7. Adapt to the participant

Each participant is different, and your approach should reflect that. 

Some people might need a bit more encouragement to open up, while others might benefit from a little more guidance to stay on track. 

Being adaptable in the moment ensures you get the most out of each conversation.

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Your qualitative research interview checklist

To help you prepare for your next interview, here’s a quick checklist:

  • Research the participant: understand their background and experiences.
  • Prepare a flexible discussion guide: outline key themes, but stay open to the flow of conversation.
  • Build rapport: start with a warm introduction and light conversation.
  • Practise active listening: be fully engaged with the participant.
  • Ask open-ended questions: encourage detailed, thoughtful responses.
  • Embrace silence: allow pauses to let participants reflect and share more.
  • Be mindful of your body language: create a relaxed and open environment.
  • Adapt as needed: tailor your approach based on the participant’s responses.


The goal of qualitative research interviews isn’t just to gather data—it’s to understand the human stories and motivations behind that data. 

When you truly grasp these stories, you can design experiences, products, and strategies that deeply resonate with your audience and inspire meaningful change.

Remember, the most valuable insights often come from the conversations that feel most human. 

When we move beyond the script and genuinely connect with our participants, we open the door to deeper, more impactful discoveries.

Ready to turn your interviews into unforgettable conversations that drive change? Let Askable be your guide. From finding the perfect participants to conducting remote interviews, we’ve got the tools to make your process smoother—so you can focus on uncovering the insights that matter most.

Emily Barnes

Askable Plus Researcher

Emily believes that putting people and their needs at the heart of strategic decisions leads to better business outcomes. With over 20 years of experience in senior leadership and management consulting roles, she loves creating mutual value by helping businesses understand their customers and identify the right problems to solve. A notable Askable Plus researcher, Emily excels in transforming customer insights into practical solutions for products, services, and communication strategies. She is also a dynamic leader, trainer, and facilitator, committed to inspiring teams with a clear vision and driving them towards innovative thinking and practices. When she’s not delivering projects as an Askable+ researcher, Emily provides customer experience design, employee experience design, service design and marketing strategy consulting services.

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